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It's Time

Posted on Wed May 2nd, 2018 @ 6:27pm by Commander Brielle Jayde

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Starfleet Medical
Timeline: Current

It had felt like forever. Maybe longer than forever. But Brielle had woken up to a familiar pain in her lower back. It didn’t take her long to realize what was happening, even if it was the middle of the night.

She, Razot, and Ossan had been staying with her family, enjoying the time they still had on Earth before heading out. She’d been feeling uncomfortable the last few days, especially with all the walking around they’d done at the BBQ. However, it wasn’t like what she was feeling at that moment.

Nudging Razot awake, he knew she’d only wake him up for certain reasons, and this was one of them. It wasn’t long before he’d called for a transport to Starfleet Medical. As much as she’d thought of having the baby on the Mercutio, they were here, and she wasn’t going to wake up the ship’s doctors. Besides, Chance was probably busy still preparing for what would happen in a few days.

The room was a little too white for her tastes, but Brielle wasn’t going to be picky right now. This was Starfleet Medical afterall. All sorts of preparations were going on around her, and everyone looked like a blur. Razot had stepped out to make sure that her family knew where they were and to keep an eye on Ossan until told otherwise. By the time he was back in the room, everything was where it needed to be.

It again, felt like forever, because even with pain medication, Brie was uncomfortable. However, it was completely different than last time. With Ossan, she’d been in a panic, hadn’t been paying attention to what her body was telling her, and had gone on an away mission that she shouldn’t have. Now, she was making sure to listen to everything.

But the hours ticked by, the doctors and nurses continued to check on her, as well as other members of her family. It was about 9 hours from when she’d woken up that she was told that now was the time. Razot was right by her side, his hand being squeezed until it was multiple shades of red. But he didn’t seem to care, and never let go.

Thirty minutes went by, and she was beyond exhausted. The pain medication had worn off some time ago, and she didn’t have any more energy to spare. “Brielle, one more, just one more.” The voice sounded like an echo, far away, but she had to focus. She couldn’t even tell who’s voice it was this time. But there was a squeeze at her hand, and her hair was brushed out of her face.

Somewhere, she found more energy, although it wasn’t much. One last push, and the moment she was told to stop, her head fell back to the pillow that was sitting behind it. There was a distant sound of crying, but it was good crying. Razot had a huge smile on his face as he put a cool rag on her head.

The doctor soon came over, their new little one wrapped up in a blanket. “Congratulations, you two. It’s a baby girl.” Brielle took the baby in her arms, smiling as she looked down at their new daughter. She ran a finger lightly along the larger ears, but they weren’t too big. There was also a small sign of faint ridges on her forehead. She picked up the physical features of her father, but the light brown hair atop her head had come from Brielle, as well as there being a few freckles on her face. Although she no longer had them, Brie had them when she was younger.

“She’s beautiful,” came Razot’s voice as he let his finger get wrapped up in the tiny hand of their daughter. “You get to pick the name, I promised.”

Though completely exhausted, Brie already knew the name she wanted to use. “Her name is Aysel.” She then looked over at Razot. “Aysel Prina. I like your older daughter’s name. I hope you’re okay with me using it as the middle name.” All he could do was smile as they stayed next to each other, fawning over their newborn daughter.


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