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Steady As She Goes

Posted on Mon Jan 24th, 2022 @ 7:10pm by Captain Henry Crow & Ensign Evelyn Moro

Mission: Collision Course
Location: The Bridge

Reports continued to come into the Bridge, mostly word of mouth, as the ship struggled to recover from the collision.

Henry looked to the Bridge Officer. "Latest numbers?"

She checked the notes. "Two dozen serious injuries, about a hundred lesser. No fatalities thankfully."

He nodded. "And the hull?"

"Main breaches have been sealed and they're patching up the smaller ones. All shields are holding. Teams from the USS Nevada and Kwan are assisting Engineering and they've brought over some extra medics."

Henry took the center chair. "Once we can safely get underway Starfleet wants us to head to port for a refit and complete evaluation.

Evelyn, who had made her way to the Bridge, tapped away at one of the few working terminals. "Captain I've got some good news for once. Using some sub routines I've been able to get the computer to automatically shift power as-needed without the need to micromanage it."

"That sounds a lot like the ship runs itself."

"Well, I mean, in a way but we still retain control."

"Ms. Moro, given recent history while we don't tone it down a little and just manage our affairs?"

She took the hint. "Aye Sir.....I've deactivated the sub routines."

He gave her a grin. "Thank you."

About two hours later the minor breaches had been sealed and main power had been restored. As the ship had improved they'd turned Cargo Bay 1 into a triage area and everything seemed to be under control.

"Set course for our refit. Don't tax the engines too much."


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