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Time's Ticking

Posted on Sun Aug 29th, 2021 @ 12:06pm by Captain Henry Crow & Commander Edra Crow & Commander Brielle Jayde & Lieutenant Michael Harris

Mission: Knock Knock
Location: The Bridge

"Commander," a Bridge officer said as he turned to Brie, "we have primary sensors back and I'm showing a large power flux on the Klingon ship."

Looking towards the officer, Brielle frowned. "That isn't good. Can we tell what system it is coming from?"

Edruj's eyes were glued to the power readouts from the Klingon ship. Why the hell do my people have to be so damned predictable. she thought. "If I know my people, and these readings are correct then they have placed the singularity into their power core. This would have been done in an effort to get the upper hand. However, it now seems to be expanding within their systems. If it is not controlled the Klingon vessel will explode and perhaps take us with them."

The officer working Tactical chimed in. "Commander, I'm reading shields are available but I'm not sure if we'd be seen as inviting a fight to the Klingon and Gorn ships if we activate them. They still have weapons trained on us."

"Of course..." Brielle sighed heavily. "Have shields at the ready, moment anything starts to go more wrong, activate them."

Henry and Patricia arrived on the bridge. He looked to Brie. "Alright, how're we looking?"

Looking over her shoulder, Brielle was glad to see them back, "You sure you want that answer?" She looked back at the viewscreen. "We've got a power flux from the Klingons, and we're ready with shields and weapons if needed."

Edruj's eyes widened as the Captain entered the Bridge. Her eyes were fixed on her screens and the readings that she had confirmed, confirmed again, and then confirmed a third time. "nuq DaneH?" (What have you done?) she said softly and if one did not know any better they would think with a touch a fear in her voice. She turned to the center chair. "Sir I have confirmed the Klingons have placed the anomaly in their power core. It is unknown what that is going to do, other than a large power spike is showing. It could lead to a breach, actually it will lead to a breach."

Henry looked to Edruj. "How long until they go boom?"


The Bird of Prey was in chaos. Every ship system was completely draining of power, then overloading, then draining again. The Science Officer was reminded of breathing deeply as if a machine could do such a thing.

"The Gorn ships are leaving us!" cried an officer on the far end of the bridge.

Indeed the Gorn were reading the same thing the Mercutio was and didn't intend on hanging around. Unfortuately for them they hadn't decided to leave fast enough as what can only be described as bright blue tendrils of energy burst from the roof of the Bird of Prey and latched onto them, immediately draining them as well.


"I would say around ten minutes or..." Edruj answered the Captain's question. Her voice trailed off as she watched what seemed to be energy tendrils erupt from the Klingon ship and ensnare the Gorn vessels. "...chaq qeylIS (holy s&%t)" Edruj turned back to her station and started issuing commands to the computer frantically. "Sir it seems that the anomaly may have stopped the Gorn vessels from leaving. It is almost like it is alive or sentient now."

Henry tapped his badge. "Engineering, we need to get out of here in about three minutes or we're all dead."

Across the bridge another officer piped up. "Sir, on the surface I'm reading the Warrant Officer, a Klingon, and two Gorn."

Patricia crossed her arms. "Looks like we weren't the only ones with a surprise planned."

The turbolift doors opened again, and Edra stepped out, having been assisting other parts of the ship with coming back online. She came around to her seat and stood in front of it. "I assume we're trying to get out of here?"

Henry glanced at Edra. "If we can. Those ships won't last long and when they go....we go."

Brielle had stepped back once Henry and Edra had gotten to the bridge, moving back to Tactical. "Figured it couldn't be quite that easy. But...tactical sensors concur with the others."

Henry's com chimed. "Sir, full power is restored." He turned to Brie. "Full torpedo spread to the surface." He then turned to Edruj. "Do you think you can convince the other Klingons on that ship to surrender in less than two minutes?"

Edruj's eyes widened and the thought and then they returned to their normal size just as quickly. "That is a tall order sir, but I will damn sure try." She took a moment to steady her nerves and figure out what she would say. It came to her quick and hard. She would have to appeal to their honor. "I am ready when you are."

He tuned to Ops. "Open a channel to the Klingons."

Edruj spoke in Klingon and the universal translator did what it did best. She thought that it would be best to speak in the native tounge rather than have it translated into Klingon. Edruj knew that they would know the difference.

She stepped to the command area of the bridge and squared her shoulders. "Commander Klingon vessel. I speak to you know as a warrior, tried by fire and ready for Stovokor. What is happening to your ship will kill your enemy however, it will kill yourself as well. There is no honor in dying by your own hand. There is no honor in taking out the enemy without combat..." She paused here for effect and when she spoke again her voice was filled with more purpose, more fervor. "...This was not how it was meant to be Commander. Warriors do not die for naught, we die for purpose for honor, for duty, for GLORY! Today is not a good day to die. However, I say nothing for tomorrow..." When she finished speaking she stood there and stared into the viewscreen as she awaited the response.

Edra was rather impressed with the speech, she hoped those on the other side of the viewscreen thought the same.

Brielle listened and had her finger ready on the fire button, having the full spread waiting. She wanted to wait until the exact last second to fire if she actually had to. Maybe the Klingons would listen...

There were several seconds of silence, each second feeling like a minute itself before a voice answered. "Our Captain is on the surface battling your own. We have encountered an unexpected issue with our ship."

"That's one way of putting it," quipped Patricia with her arms crossed.

The Klingon continued. "I agree that our situation would not lend itself to an honorable death. With our Captain away I claim control of our ship and I request...," it was easy to tell the frustration of what he was admitting, "your assistance in rescuing our crew. I have eight men left including myself."

Henry leaned down to Edra and whispered. "They think I'm down there so you tell them to stand by for emergency transport."

Edra stood, "We are happy to assist. Prepare for transport." Without cutting off the feed, she hit her communicator. "Transporter Room, emergency transport of 8 lifesigns on the nearby ship."

Brie grinned at Edra's command, still keeping herself ready for anything that would happen. It would be interesting to see the Klingon's reaction.

When the transporter room confirmed their guests, Henry let out his breath. "Fire torpedos on the surface, then set course for the nearest starbase, maximum warp."

As the surface grew bright with several fireballs the Mercutio turned and sped off, seconds before the Klingon and Gorn ships exploded.

All that was left was a bright blue orb about the size of three shuttle craft which hung in the orbit of the planet....


Captain Henry Crow
Commanding Officer, USS Mercutio

Commander Edra Crow
Executive Officer, USS Mercutio

Commander Brielle Jayde
Second Officer, USS Mercutio

Lieutenant Edruj
Chief Science Officer, USS Mercutio

Patricia Crow
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Mercutio


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