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Self Analysis

Posted on Sun Feb 28th, 2021 @ 1:52pm by Commander Vox Templar

Mission: Side Stories
Location: Deck 2: Templar's Personal Quarters

Commander Templar's Personal Log
Stardate: 74160

Expressing myself even in private matters has always been difficult for me. I learned from early adulthood to shield myself from that once I was assimilated by the Borg. And yet, despite the challenges of recuperating and continuing with my career in Starfleet, I managed to open up to Stacey. She had a way of bringing me out of the void and encouraging me to work harder at it. It gradually became easier as our relationship developed. However, one consistent thing in the universe is change. I went on long, unbroken undercover assignments, missing a good portion of our son's early years, not to mention time away from her as well. And now that I've resumed a uniformed, standard position back aboard the Mercutio, I have the ability to have a meaningful relationship again. Instead of watching my back on a shadowy assignment, I sip coffee and read reports and attend meetings.

I believe I've found that with Commander Jayde... Brielle. We've grown closer over a period of time and we don't find starship duty to be an impediment. We value our careers and are both very independent but at the same time it works for us. It really became a realization on our recent shore leave. I took her to the giant redwood forests of California for some high end camping. It was during that time I could see us happy together in a place like that, without returning to the uniforms. That was the first time I contemplated life after Starfleet. I've known nothing else my whole adult life and while I don't plan on retiring anytime soon, I now start to think about Brie when I consider potential choices.

For now, we are taking things slow but are in a good direction. I figured it was a good time to put my thoughts down. Maybe I should make a habit of it...

Commander Vox Templar
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Mercutio


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