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Make New Friends...

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2021 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Michael Harris

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Klingon Cafe
Timeline: Shore Leave

Jonah limped along the cobblestone sidewalk in the tourist's market, known as Soko. Jonah had learned that many of the places on the colony were named in the Swahili language because of the African heritage attached to its name. He'd left Callan, asleep in the nyumba he'd rented near the beach. Deciding to go out in search of breakfast while Cal used the opportunity to sleep in, Jonah came across a singular smell among the stalls.

Raktajino. Klingon coffee.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply of the bitter smell. "Thank God," he said to himself. "I haven't had a good cup of coffee in months." He had come to accept the replicated beverage, but only as the palest imitation of the real thing. Like saying Romulan Ale synthehol was the same as the real thing. Hardly a comparison.

He followed his nose, finding a rough looking Klingon barista behind her counter. She sneered at him as he approached the counter. "nuq SoH DaneH, Human?"

If one didn't know Klingon culture, the simple question might have sounded rude. 'What do you want, human?' Jonah slapped a strip of latinum on the counter. "HIvje' qa'vIn, be'," he growled in response. She flashed a wickedly toothy grin before plopping down a tankard sized mug filled with the dark Klingon brew. Jonah took the mug, wrapping his hands around it and breathing in the aroma deeply. "nuqneH." It wouldn't do to be without manners to the one woman on the colony he might already be in love with.

Hobbling to a nearby table, seated beside a green park at the center of the market, Jonah settled into a seat and took the first, glorious sip of the steaming hot raktajino. It was like pure heaven, if the scent had sent his body into dopamine overdrive, the flavor pushed them over into bliss. It was almost as if his entire body sighed with relief, a sensation he hadn't felt in weeks.

Looking up, his eyes caught the mane of a dark haired Klingon woman gazing intently at him. A human drinking real, honest raktajino must have been an oddity to him. Most settled on the replicated stuff, unable to stomach the real thing. Jonah smiled briefly and gave the man a nod.

Edruj had checked in with the Captain, and the XO, she was never of duty and wanted to make sure that there was nothing that needed to be done. She had sat on her laurels for two days and shore leave was getting the best of her. However, there was not much to do aboard the ship while she sat in port. So she took the opportunity to observe the rest of the crew and see what they enjoyed, it would also serve as an excellent chance to get to know them. Sociology at its finest... the scientist within her was pleased.

So it was that she found herself at a small Klingon cafe first thing in the morning. This was her stop before she sought any of the crew out, as she missed two things about her home the fresh raktajino and the vintage blood wine. She sipped her brew and thought such a rare opportunity this far from home. Edruj savored her first sip, and over the brim of her mug she saw someone she recognized from the crew manifest. An Intelligence Officer if her memory served correctly Jonah Masters. Well, no time like the present she thought.

Edruj walked over to the man's table and she tried to soften her voice, but for a Klingon this was a large feat. "May I join you?"

Jonah nodded. "Of course. I thought you looked familiar. Lieutenant Thrawn, isn't it? The Chief Science Officer" Jonah watched the Klingon settle into the seat across from him.

Edruj sat with no facial expression what so ever. "You are Ensign Masters Intelligence Officer, well met. You do surprise me, there are not many non Klingons who can stomach a good racktajino. Well that, and for someone who can stomach the brew, you should know I am Lieutenant Edruj, Thrawn is my father's name." She lifted her mug to her lips. This move was more to hide a faint smile rather than to actually drink her beverage. She loved to play the indignant Klingon especially when in uniform.

Jonah shrugged. "Your personnel file makes it seem like you last name, but your explanation makes more sense. I don't think I've ever met a Klingon with a last name before... As for the Raktajino, it's one of the few things I developed a taste for while I was on Qo'noS. Though I never did like gagh; still don't."

"You have been to my home then, surely you must have tasted blood wine. The finest vintages can only be found on Qo'noS. Klingons do not attach their family names as Humans do. That is a rare treat to serve in the heart of the warrior. May I ask why you were there?" The comment about serving at his home had made Edruj want to befriend this Masters. She did have so few friends, there was Millie but that was about it. But the Klingon was leery of Intel operatives, as were most Klingons. To sneak around ones enemy is dishonorable, or so it is said in the Empire.

"I have tasted blood wine," Jonah agreed. "It's one of my favorite alcohols in the quadrant. A shame I don't drink anymore. As for why I was on Qo'noS, I'm sorry to say the details are classified. It was back when I was working field operations, though your people really know how to throw a party... broken arm aside." Jonah laughed at the memory before drinking more of the coffee.

"Raktajino, on the other hand, is the one thing I've loved most since I left. It's so hard to find someone who serves the real thing. I might just have to retire and become an employee at the cafe," he joked, internally he was already starting to feel energized by the caffeine.

The comment about being on Qo'noS on a classified assignment annoyed Edruj somewhat. The idea that this man sneaked around to get what was needed was dishonorable. However, she swallowed that ire, as what Masters did was commonplace among humans. I cannot force the way of the warrior onto people she thought. "When I left Qo'noS for Earth to attend the Academy I brought my raktajino maker with me. I knew that you could not get a decent cup outside of the Empire. Although Deep Space Nine had a cafe that served a good one, but I digress. That raktajino maker goes everywhere with me. Including the USS Mercutio." Edruj smirked slightly when she spoke the last sentence.

Jonah's eyes lit up like a child at Christmas. "You, madam, may just have become my new best friend on this ship!" he proclaimed. "Do you know what it's been like drinking that replicated shit?" he asked rhetorically. Obviously, the Klingon knew or she wouldn't make her own.

Edruj sipped her brew as she smiled and nodded. "One thinks that the difficulties for a Klingon among humans are tough. Well, what makes them tough is that your people have never learned how to brew a decent cup." Edruj paused in her speech for the moment as she pondered her next move.

Edruj hurumphed. "So as an Intelligence Officer, tell me what you think of the crew. Don't shy away like you do not know. I know that people in your line of work are always looking at people, always evaluating."

"To be honest," Jonah said. "It's an ecclectic crew." Jonah shrugged. "I get the feeling the CO doesn't particularly like me, but he tolerates me. The doctors, all three of them, are friendly and professional. I like Doctor Melanick, she always has entertaining advice. Millie is one of the best Counselors I have ever encountered." Jonah paused, smirking behind his mug for a moment. "And my boyfriend, Callan, is in my department as an analyst."

Jonah shrugged. "Eclectic."

"Eclectic is a good way of putting it. You command your mate, that is something one would never see in the Empire. Tell me does that ever cause an issue for you?" The Klingon changed the subject, but she did take mental note of the comments made about the CO. Captain Crow had been nothing but friendly to her. "What of my predecessors? As I have read through the ship's logs I have seen that that the people who served in my position did not stay too long."

Jonah shrugged, there were a couple of questions that needed answering. "To be honest, I've only just joined the ship myself, so I can't tell you if he and I will have any issues. It's fun to note he's an officer now, having just made Warrant." Jonah sipped his coffee as he thought about the other question. Giving Edruj time to consider her response.

"As to your predecessors, I only met Lieutenant Jenkins. I think he was recalled after the nebula incident." Jonah knew that Jenkins' mistake in the Krathu Nebula had led to the almost full destruction of the ship. "Shame because he is to be a father soon. With all due respect I hope he gets reassigned back to the Mercutio for his wife's sake."

The more that Masters and she spoke, the more Edruj was confused. Not only did it seem that this vessel was unlike any in the Empire, but it was unlike any in Starfleet. "I am to assume that his wife is stationed on the Mercutio. May I ask who she is? There is something else that, well I cannot find the right word, troubles me. A science vessel with a lot of children on board. This strikes me as odd, things that I will of course need to adjust to. Is there a reason for all of these families?"

"Starfleet has been family friendly for almost a hundred years. It helps raise morale... though I find it more troubling that a science ship keeps finding trouble. First that strange nebula experience, now the USS Potemkin," Jonah paused, stopping himself from touching his scar. "I'm just glad we've got time off now and again."

Edruj took note of the mention of the Potemkin, she was familiar with what happened there, however, she would have to investigate further. Jonah's body language said more than his words did and that was all the Klingon needed. "Right you are. I have read the logs and you and the rest of the crew served with honor. For now, rest and enjoy, this colony has a lot to offer. I have planned to enjoy many of the activities here, especially the Bat'Leth tournament."

Jonah chuckled. "I won't be engaging in anything like that. I'm still recovering from my injuries."

"Very well then, when you are healed we shall train. Mok Bara and Bat'Leth, it will be vigorous. When we are finished, you will find life renewed. The glory of combat..." Edruj's voice trailed off as a boisterous belly laugh took over. It seemed that her school may be gaining another student to work with Millie. "I think you and I will be spending a lot of time together." She raised her mug to toast.

Jonah raised his mug, knowing Edruj was being her most Klingon self. "It may be some time yet," Jonah responded, "before I swing another sword, but to glory," he offered, countering the toast. "And to a settled life."

The two mugs clinked, it was as if the soft clink intoned the beginning of a new chapter for Edruj. "So what do you enjoy when not on duty?"

"Strangely enough, I am into sparring. I have a Japanese katana that I use. I was also learning guitar, a Terran string instrument. I also swim every morning, at least before I was injured," Jonah offered with a shrug. He needed to get back to his guitar lessons, and once he was returned to normal activities, take Cal on a rock climbing adventure again.

"Sparring, now, that is good. Keep your skills sharp..." Edruj ran her hand through her hair. "Hmmmm katana versus bat'leth now that would be a challenge." She smiled and then sipped her drink. "You know, I think you were right earlier. You and I are going to become, how do humans put it, best friends."

"Be careful, the last guy in that position was inhabited by a maniacal AI that used him to kill almost a dozen people. Myself included," Jonah tried to attempt humor but failed.

The Klingon guffawed loudly, so loud in fact that others at the cafe looked in her direction. "You are forgetting one very important fact my dear. I am Klingon! No AI can stand to take over my body."

"Well, I don't think he had a choice. Next time we face an AI, I guess we'll find out. Either way, best not to dwell."

The two sat at the cafe and exchanged stories of honor. During the course of the conversation Edruj learned two things. The first was that she had his work cut out for her on the Mercutio if she was going to turn everyone to the path of the warrior and the second was that she had found a new friend. Something that was not easy for Klingons to do.


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