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More Questions Than Answers

Posted on Mon Apr 20th, 2020 @ 9:28pm by Ensign Evelyn Moro & Lieutenant Aemilia "Millie" Stepanova & Lieutenant JG Chance Crow

Mission: To The Rescue
Location: 5 n' Dime Lounge

Evelyn stared at the glass in front of her. She was over reacting, right? The more she told herself the more she believed her gut. Something wasn't right.

Theo leaned his elbows on the bar, squatting down so that he was eye-level with the glass. "Trying to lift the glass with your mind, Ensign?"

She slowly lifted her gaze. "What do you trust more....your logic or your intuition?"

A hint of a smirk played at the corner of his lips. "Well, Vulcans don't make for very good bartenders, do they?" Theo gave the bartop a pat, as a means of encouragement. "What's on your mind?"

"Mil....Counselor Stepanova went on a mission and we'd chatted through channels a time or two but she's been radio silent for days and I feel like something is wrong. But I also feel like I'm probably just being anxious."

Theo nodded. He came around the bar, perching himself on an adjacent stool. "Exactly how long has she been gone?"

"Almost a week. I know that they're probably fine. That friend of her's looks like she can handle herself but for there not to even be a quick message saying everything is okay worries me."

There was a momentary furrow in Theo's brow. "It seems unlikely that the counselor would be one to go along on any kind of a dangerous mission. Did she say how long she would be gone?"

"I think she was prepared for a couple weeks at best. She didn't indicate it would longer than that."

Theo gave another nod. "You sure she just hasn't...forgotten?"

Evelyn was quiet for a moment. "Or that it's intentional, yea I've considered it. I thought lunch went okay but maybe it didn't. Wouldn't be the first time."

Theo chuckled. "You realize that's the first time she's had a date where she left smiling, right? For her, it went better than okay."

Evelyn took that information in but didn't respond. "Do you think I should talk to someone about this?"

Theo smirked. "Normally, I'd recommend talking to the Counselor about it, but under these circumstances--"

Evelyn nodded. "I know the Command staff is busy with this delivery mission."

Theo gave a gesture to the other side of the lounge. "Have you spoken to Dr. Crow about it?"

She glanced over. "No. I don't really know him."

Theo stood. "Then let me introduce you." He held out a hand of encouragement.

She made a face but followed.

Theo crossed the room, approaching the table where Chance and his son were seated. "Excuse me-- Lieutenant? May we interrupt?"

Chance had been dividing his time between eating his own food, and cutting up Kieran's food into bite-sized pieces, and trying to convince the boy that he did want to eat what was in front of him. The division wasn't even, but more like 25/75% in the 5-year-old's favor. "What?" he sighed. He wasn't expecting to have any visitors, so his initial reaction probably came off more reactionary than he'd intended. "Sorry," he corrected. "Toddler moods tend to rub off," he explained with a nod to his son. Prophets knew he loved the boy, but some days... "Please, sit down. Some adult company might be nice." His slight smile said that he hoped so.

Theo slid into the seat next to Kieran, leaving the seat next to Chance for Evelyn. "The Ensign here is a--- a good friend of the Counselor. Millie hasn't checked in lately." He gave a slight gesture with his head, letting Evelyn take the lead.

Evelyn sat with a nod. "She and your wife are away on some kind of mission but I haven't heard from her in awhile. Have you gotten any kind of word lately that they're okay?"

Chance caught the way the bartender classified the woman. But he didn't have much chance to digest it as she got to the point of their visit. He was sorely tempted to say 'Welcome to the club,' but one, he didn't want to expose their personal problems to a stranger, and two, it wouldn't help the Ensign. "I haven't, but I don't usually. I understand the worry that comes with these missions, but if anyone can keep Millie safe, it's Tricia."

She nodded with understanding. "I had a feeling that might be the answer. If you do get any word I would really appreciate if you let me know."

"Of course." He wiped his hand on a napkin before holding it out. "I'm Chance," he said by way of introduction.

She shook it. "Evelyn. Well I won't keep you two from your evening. Thanks again."

Theo smiled, then reached over to ruffle Kieran's hair. "Finish all of your dinner, and I think I might be able to arrange for a treat for dessert." He looked up at Chance. "If that's alright with your father."

Kieran looked from the bartender to his father, who nodded. "You have to finish first," Chance confirmed. The youngster looked slowly to his plate, and took a small bite. The pasta and sauce was usually a hit, but tonight, Kieran was hesitant. It would be a long dinner for them.

Theo flashed a smile, though the tension at the table was thick enough to cut with a bat'leth. Being a bartender gave him insight into the struggles that came with serving in Starfleet...and often being far away from loved ones. "Well, hurry and eat that dinner. I wouldn't want the ice cream to melt." He gave the Ensign and the Lieutenant both a nod, before standing.

Evelyn didn't return to the bar, opting for her quarters to try and occupy her mind for awhile.

Lieutenant JG Chance Crow
Medical Officer, USS Mercutio

Ensign Evelyn Moro
Computer Systems Specialist, USS Mercutio


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