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The Ever Asking Family

Posted on Fri Apr 6th, 2018 @ 3:05pm by Commander Brielle Jayde

Mission: The Voyage Home
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Current

It’d been a debate in her mind for some time, whether or not to tell her family that she was back. She could tell them ahead of time, or she could surprise them. She’d made sure of where her sisters were at, at for now, they were on Earth, their ships docked. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d actually talked to them at length, but knew it had been a while.

With Ossan playing behind her, and Razot still dealing with some things down in engineering, Brielle gave in and, after putting her feet up, put in a comm to her sisters. It wasn’t long before, Brielle felt like she was looking at herself when her twin sister, Alina, answered the call. “Well it’s about time, sis.” Alina’s eyes went wide, “You still haven’t had that kid yet?”

Brielle smirked, “Good to see you too, Ali. And no, I haven’t. Any time now, but no one knows for sure when. I take it you were expecting my call?”

Melany showed up behind Alina, sporting what looked like full commander pips. “Of course we were. We heard you were back, but were waiting for you to contact us. Now come on, we want to hear what happened.”

“Mel, you know she probably can’t say anything until the debrief.” It took a moment, but Brie noticed that even her sister was now sporting lieutenant pips. “Hey, promotions while I was gone? Proud of you two.”

Their mother and father showed up, and suddenly the screen was full. “Still not another grandchild yet, Brielle Nicole,” asked her father Lucas. “No, dad, now layoff, okay? It’s been tough enough, don’t need you getting on me.”

“Oh, he’s kidding, Brie,” stated her mother Cecilia. “We’re just glad you’re safe. We have a place for all of you to stay if you so decide to. Though I’m sure you won’t be doing much transporting around in your state. Ali, Luc, come on, I think Melany has something to discuss with Brielle.” The other three said their goodbyes and their see you laters and left Brie talking with her eldest sister. “Mel?”

Melany let out a heavy sigh. “Starfleet has a lot of questions for you guys, you know that? What the hell happened out there? Where were you?”

“Melany, you know I can’t. Not until the debrief. Don’t ask me to break that rule. I’ll say it’s interesting out there, but that’s all you get.” With a head shake, the eldest sister grinned. “Had to try. I won’t be part of it, though they’ve got me stationed at headquarters for the time being. We’ll see you soon, right?”

Brie nodded and the screen went blank. Leave it to her family to try to get things out of her.


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