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Unexpected Company

Posted on Mon Jul 15th, 2019 @ 11:31am by Lieutenant Aemilia "Millie" Stepanova & Patricia Crow

Mission: Side Stories
Location: Holodeck

Millie let out a soft squeal, and her toes curled. Her eyes slipped closed as she tangled her fingers in a tight grip of the bedsheets. "Don't stop..." she managed to whisper.

Suddenly the computer chimed. "You have an incoming communication. It has been rerouted here from your quarters by an unknown source."

"The counselor is--" Millie gave a soft gasp. "--unavailable at the moment. Have them l--leave a message."

"You have an incoming communication. It has been rerouted here from your quarters by an unknown source. Downloading."

A moment later a holographic form of a young man appeared. He was wearing an open collar shirt and slacks and appeared to be pouring himself a drink. Taking a sip James Nadall smirked. "So this is what you do in your spare time?"

Millie let out a shriek and a string of Russian expletives as she clutched the sheet close around her. The holographic Mourib emerged from underneath the bedsheets, seating himself next to his companion.

"How the hell did you get in here?!?"

"To be honest I don't know the technical aspects of this, I have people for that. Regardless I need someone of your abilities."

Millie's brow furrowed. "I don't recall you setting an appointment. During my office hours."

He took a long sip. "This isn't something that can or will be on the record. As is it the sensors in this room have been rerouted to show your security department that none of this is happening. You seem to be in the listening and advice department so I need you right now."

"Then perhaps you'll grant me a moment?" Millie spun her finger, indicating that she wanted a bit of privacy.

"You want a hologram to turn around? I've been watching you in here for almost half an hour. I don't think you have anything I haven't seen."

Millie swallowed back the bile in her throat. Whether the reddening of her cheeks was from embarrassment or anger was unknown. "What do you want?" Her words were clipped as she wrapped the sheet around her body.

"I want you to help me figure out someone's weakness."

Millie stepped behind a small changing screen, slipping into a lightweight robe. "For what purpose?" she asked, twisting her long hair up into its usual bun.

"Someone is impeding my plans and I can't use outright force on them so I need a way to figure out how to manipulate the situation."

"If this is about trying to win back Tricia, the answer is no." Millie took the fruity beverage offered by Mourib and settled herself into one of the cushioned lounge chairs.

"No no, this has nothing to do about her. I'll have her back soon enough. This is about someone much more dangerous than she ever has mother."

Millie sipped her drink. "I have never met your mother. I would not be able to evaluate her without meeting her, and even then, the information would be privileged."

"For what I'm going to pay you, don't worry about privilege. What do you need to know about her?"

Millie tucked her feet up on the chair, as she often did during her sessions. "If you are going to make use of my expertise, then there are some expectations of boundaries. Some ground rules."

James groaned, pouring a refill. "Go on."

Millie nodded. "If you are to be a client, there is a boundary into my personal life that cannot be crossed. I an not at your beck and call, as I am not one of your employees. Go about it how you need to, but I expect you to make an appointment the next time."

He considered, swirling the drink in the glass. "I'll signal you and expect you to contact me. That way I won't have to watch you and....your friend again."

Millie's face very aptly hid the nauseating churn of her stomach at the thought of his voyeurism. "Now, as to my fee..."

"Just name your price."


He froze, jaw clenched. "Excuse me?"

Millie's expression never wavered. "You said to name my price. My price is Patricia."

"Pick another price."

"The price is non-negotiable."

"You don't get to tell me what to do with my property. I've gone out of my way to be polite here. I didn't even kidnap you."

Millie set down her drink and folded her hands in her lap, as she always did. "Is that what you'll expect me to be? Your 'property'?"

"She's different. We have history and she needs reminded where she belongs."

"Tell me this..." Millie knew she wasn't going to change his mindset in one day, but she could at least take the first step. "What will this cost me if this goes sideways, and your mother finds out?"

"To be frank I don't care because if she were to find out I'll be long dead before they get to you."

"So, my life. My life is what it will cost me to be in your employ, da?" Millie turned her head just slightly to the side.

"What I am asking for your assistance in, is treason. You think there is a lesser penalty?"

"What I am asking for is a simple exchange. I am offering the risk of ending my life in exchange for the safety of Patricia and her family." Millie leaned slightly forward in her chair. "But, if you think you can accomplish your goals without my assistance..."

He considered for several moments. "Fine, I accept the terms."

"One final condition." Millie leaned forward. "Trish never finds out about this deal."

He laughed. "Worried she'd turn on you for helping me?"

Millie shook her head. "Nyet. She is finally happy, the closest I've seen her to being at peace. I'm afraid she would throw it all away for revenge. She has family. Roots. I understand more than most how valuable that can be."

That brought a scowl. "She doesn't know what happy is because...." he stopped, taking a deep breath. "Fine, fine."

"Good. Now that we are in agreement, why don't you sit?" Millie settled comfortably into her chair, as if it were any normal counseling session. "Why don't you tell me about these plans of yours?"

Lieutenant JG Aemilia "Millie" Stepanova
Chief Counselor, USS Mercutio


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