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The Game of Life

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2019 @ 11:57am by Commander Edra Crow & Captain Henry Crow & Commander Caressa Melanick

Mission: Side Stories
Location: Her quarters
Timeline: TBD

Caressa sat back in the over-sized chair, wrapping herself in the throw that was handy. She had just replicated a nice warm cup of hot coco, with whipped cream. She often wondered if there was something seriously wrong with her. She lost Henry to Edra, not anyone's fault just life and karma. The thing with Vox was short lived, fun, but no longer viable. She felt that he was most likely playing the field. That wasn't her thing. Daved was a flash in the pan. She wanted what she had with Henry. A relationship that was built in trust, you could work together, love each other and make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. She often wondered if she should go back to Star Fleet Academy, several offers had made there way across her desk. She would be with the children. Sipping on her coco, she ran her fingers through her hair, maybe she should bring them on board. Fighting with herself time and again over the decision. Does she risk their life by bringing them on-board and being with them, or leave them where they were safe but did not know of life with her and travel. Bringing them on-board would definitely keep her busy, and no more lonely nights. She would speak with Henry and Edra. She would need larger quarters. She finished the hot coco.

"Computer does Capt. Crow have any open slots in his schedule tomorrow?

The computer replied in the affirmative, currently he had no appointments at 0845-0900 hours and 0115-0130 hours.

"Please schedule me in at the 0845 spot. Thank you" and she sunk back into the chair.


The next morning Henry finished a few reports back to the brass before glancing at the chronometer. 0844 hours. He hadn't even looked away from it when the door chime rang. "Enter."

Caressa entered, not in uniform but in casusal attire. " Good Morning" She immediately plopped into the closest seat in front of his desk.

He watched her enter and sit. "Morning. What's the matter?"

"Nothing is really wrong. The children are bugging me constantly to come on board. I have reluctantly agreed. Just checking to make sure it was still okay with you? " she looked at him waiting for an answer.

"They want to move here?" His tone was surprised. "Uh, yea sure. We'll need to get you some more elbow room in your quarters."

Noticing his tone. "Your as surprised as I am, but I do not want to deny them the opportunity. I am worried though. I hate putting them in harms way, but the other families aboard ship seem to do well. How do I get them here? Then there is school. " she shook her head. " this is going to be a huge change for me."

He held up his hand. "Take a breath. We can arrange for a transport to bring them here. In the meantime we'll move your quarters, arrange places for them in the school system, and all that."

"Thanks, I appreciate the help. Any suggestions on transisitioning from planet life to ship life that might help them?" She was more composed at this point.

"I don't think much has changed since all of us did it after graduating. There's a level of home sickness, sometimes severe so we'll have to keep them focused on the positives."

The chime sounded from outside the Ready Room. When Henry gave the command to enter, Edra walked through the door reading the end of a report on her PADD. "Hey, did you...oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in a meeting already."

Caressa sat up in the chair. " We were chatting about the children, I have decided to let them aboard. There constant insistence has worn me down."

Edra looked from Caressa to Henry and back. "That's fantastic! Well, are you going to be okay? I understand why you hesitate. We thought long and hard about bringing Karina back on board too."

"Yes, I will be fine. It will just be a change for all of us. Just wanted to make sure that everyone was ok with it. They need to be around their family." She paused. "Thanks for helping work out the details." she smiled at the both of them.

"It'll be good for everyone to be under the same roof so to speak." He looked from Caressa to Edra. "Could you make the arrangements? I'm scheduled for another 'continuing education' subspace seminar. It's about tactical use of nebulas if either of you want to waste two hours you'll never get back."

Edra's response was quick. "That can be summed up in 5 words: Avoid them at all costs. Class dismissed." She grinned, "But yes, on the first part. I can make sure their transition goes smoothly.

"I think I will pass on that one,unless you would like to sit in for me on my Effects of Warp Drive on non-human species seminar. So Edra, shall see what we can come up with?" ::looking to Edra::

The XO nodded. "I can see if Karina is willing to show them around. She knows what it's like to have to go from planetside living to shipboard living."

Henry's desk com beeped. "Well if you ladies will excuse me...nebulas await."


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