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Waiting. Not dieing

Posted on Mon Nov 29th, 2021 @ 12:21am by Lieutenant Commander Constance Stewart

Mission: Collision Course

Waking up still in the TL pain exploding all over my body. I look around and I'm laying in a pool of my own blood. I'm in pretty bad shock. I know I have serious injuries. I know it will take a while before anyone can help me. The infirmary is swamped, it has to be. I can't just lay here. I need to get out and make my way to the infirmary. So I take a deep breath and try to get to my feet again only to fall back down so I decide to drag myself out of the TL. Once out of the TL I throw up again nothing but straight blood. I'm starting to get worried as I drag myself down the hall. Slowly inch by Inch going a little ways then resting. The hall seems to stretch on forever. I have to make it to the infirmary or I will die. Feeling so dizzy and lightheaded looking up the hall. Still a ways from the infirmary. The halls are so quiet where did everyone go. Seeing the damage done by the collision. What a mess bet the infirmary is gonna be packed. I doubt anyone will be able to help me right away. What if I die from all my injuries. Then I'll have died doing what I love. Doing my duty for this ship and the mercutio. I feel tears form in my eyes as I wipe them with my hand. I'm almost there. I can see some people in really bad shape. I wonder if I can fix myself. I'm pretty bad so I doubt it. This pain is so bad mm I must keep going. I keep on dragging myself seeing the infirmary up ahead. I throw up blood again as I drag myself up the hall. Finally reaching the infirmary. It's packed with various injured people. So I put myself in line as I throw up blood again . I see the tecs all busy with the others in line so I just lay there and wait, feeling my breathing slowing down along with my pulse as I lay there looking up at the ceiling. Everything is fuzzy around me as I start to have flashbacks from when she was a little girl and lived with her Aunt on Vulcan. Her Aunt taught her how to meditate. And how to focus on logic and not feeling. How to be peaceful, not violent. Then she thought about the day she started work her first time as a Federation officer working on that space station. Then she thought about her first day on the Merc. Now Captain Crow taught her everything he knew about the Merc security. When the captain died he was promoted and she took over as Security Chief. She had so much to learn and came a long way. Now after a break she's assistant head of security. Her eyes start to become heavy as she passes out again


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