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The Bumpy Road Oft Taken

Posted on Sat Nov 23rd, 2019 @ 2:22pm by Commander Edra Crow & Lieutenant Dakota

Mission: Bless the Maker
Location: XO's office
Timeline: MD 1

=/\= Begin Log =/\=

Well. Here she was.

A soft growl echoed out from the base of Dakota's throat as she left her new quarters on the USS Mercutio. Another day, another year, another ship, and she was a bloody lieutenant. She could just got back and rip that major's trachea out and make him watch her eat it...

...but she didn't feel like going to prison. A demotion was bad enough.

So, she'd gotten on board, met the quartermaster, stowed her crap in her room, and now she was on her way to the office of the executive officer since that's where the smarmy computer said the executive officer was to be found.

Once there, the Chameloid took in a deep breath and pressed the chime.

Edra turned from the window when the chime sounded. She needed the distraction from the big issues at the moment. "Enter," she called out as she sat at her desk.

The tall, muscular, seemingly-human woman stepped into the office upon the call to enter. Her dark eyes took a predator-like glance around before landing on the woman behind the desk. She stepped forward and inclined her head slightly. "C--" She caught herself. "Lieutenant Dakota, reporting for duty."

Edra watched the woman's body language as she walked in. She seemed on edge, possibly even resentful. The First Officer wondered why the woman in front of her didn't have a complete record, but she obviously didn't get to know what was behind those sealed files. She wasn't pleased with that, but this wasn't the first time she worked with half the information. She had to trust, or at the very least hope, this was for the best. "Lieutenant, welcome aboard the Merc." She held out her hand in greeting. "Have you settled into your quarters yet? Are they satisfactory?" The question was genuine.

Dakota took the hand that was offered. "I have received my assignment and put my stuff there. Too soon to say settled, but the quarters are perfectly fine, Commander."

Edra nodded. "Good," she answered before turning serious. "I have looked over your files, those I have, and I see you've had...a bumpy road. Do we have to worry about those bumps coming back to visit?"

"I have no intention of being a problem, Commander," Dakota replied simply, and honestly... She never had any intention of being an issue.

Edra caught the loophole, and was well aware of how things worked out sometimes. Prophets knew it had happened often enough on this ship. So she simply nodded. "Good. Do you require any special accommodations? Anything we may not normally consider?"

Dakota was quietly thankful that the issue wasn't pushed, since she hardly could control the actions of others and she hated when people acted like she could. To the question, she shook her head. "Not at all, sir. Standard accommodations are fine."

"Very well. If you don't have any further questions, welcome aboard. We're very glad to have a new head of Security. As we're between missions, you will be included in the next mission briefing. Feel free to take the rest of the morning to settle in, and start at your post at 1300 hours."

"Nothing more from me, sir," Dakota said with a single nod. "I'm ready to get to work."

Edra stood and held a hand out. "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant."

Commander Edra Crow
Executive Officer, USS Mercutio

Commander Dakota
Chief Security Officer, USS Mercutio


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