We Have Ignition
Posted on Wed Mar 21st, 2018 @ 1:19pm by Commander Edra Crow
Hello, Folks
Those of you already a part of this know that we are attempting to become part of the Obsidian Fleet, after having been in the Starfleet Legacy Alliance for so long. But as that organization--and the Mercutio--has been getting less and less participation, we wanted to stoke the fires, and try something new. It's hard to get people to commit to a particular day of the week any more, when they are busy all the time. So we are trading in our Live Sim for a Nova-format, which is a play by post format. We are hoping to lure those who have recently had to bow out back into the fold, since posting can be done any time one has the chance.
At the moment, we have the application for the Sim to join OF, this website, of course, which is still getting some detail work done, and when we finish the current mission, we'll start the switch over to Nova.
As things progress, we'll keep you updated on what's happening. Thanks to everyone who have made this a drama-free transition, and those who have already come back. We can't wait to see where this takes us!
Category: Sim Announcement